Guest Waiver & Brief Medical History

Has your doctor ever said you had heart trouble? *
Do you frequently have pains in your heart and chest? *
Do you often feel faint or have or spells of severe dizziness? *
Has your doctor ever said your blood pressure was too high? *
Has your doctor ever told you that you had a bone or joint problem such as arthritis, that has been aggravated by exercise, or might be made worse by exercise? *
Is there any good physical reason not mentioned here why you should not follow an exercise program even if you wanted to? *
Are you over the age of 65 and not accustomed to vigorous exercise? *
Have you traveled in the past 14 days? *
Are you running a fever? *
Do you have a cough not related to allergies? *
Do you have an upset stomach? *
Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 48 hours? *
" Please note we charge for sessions canceled with less than 24 hours notice!!!"