Exercise in the Morning vs. the Evening: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Best Time

Typically, it’s believed that working out in the morning is more effective than evening sessions. But what if you’ve got a super-packed morning routine? Or, maybe you feel too lazy to wake up early and show up regularly. So, you may wonder, “Is it better to exercise morning or night?”.

Let’s find out:

What is the best time to workout: Morning or evening

Not that much. The time to exercise and gym doesn’t matter. All that matters is consistency and sticking to your regular workout routine to achieve your fitness goals. Also, the best time to workout is when you have the highest energy and motivation level.

Experiment with timing and observe how your body responds. Accordingly, you can determine the best time to workout according to your preferences and your body’s response.

Remember, any time of the day is better than no exercise.

But if you’re still unsure about working out in the morning or evening, consider the pros and cons of each, as discussed below.

Working out in the morning: Pros and cons

Exercise is a great way to start your day. So, if you’re a morning person, it might be easier for you to squeeze in the gym if you don’t have time at midday or in the evening.

Morning workout: Pros

  • If you ask when is the best time to workout to gain muscle, morning workouts are better. It’s because muscle-building hormones are higher in the morning. So, by working out in the morning, you can have stronger muscles faster.
  • The majority of morning gym-goers stick to their workout schedule and are able toprevent unhealthy cravings.
  • Morning exercise can boost your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day.
  • Working out in the morning enhances your mood and sets a positive mindset for the rest of the day.
  • Regular morning exercise can improve your sleep by regulating your circadian rhythm.

Morning workout: Cons

  • Due to time constraints, it can be challenging to fit in a workout before work or morning chores.
  • Working out in the morning during winter can be less appealing.
  • Beginners may feel lethargic or lack the energy to wake up on time for exercise.
  • Exercising on an empty stomach can cause digestive discomfort.
  • You need more time for warm-up and stretching to avoid potential injuries.

Working out in the evening: Pros and cons

Despite what people believe, there’s nothing wrong with working out in the evening or at night. For many people, the nighttime workout is the only opportunity to sweat out due to busy work schedules, school drop-offs, or needing more time to sleep.

Here are the pros and cons of evening workout:

Evening workout: Pros

  • A2020 study shows that moderate exercise 4 hours before bedtime may help people who struggle to sleep at night. Make sure you avoid high-intensity activity, which can disrupt your sleep.
  • Exercising after a hectic day allows you to distract yourself from the day’s stresses thanks to workout-induced happy hormones that boost good mood.
  • Coupling a nighttime workout with a small, nutrient-dense meal can help achieve nutritional balance within the body.
  • You can exercise without being rushed because you don’t need to worry about morning commitments.
  • Your body is already warmed up and ready for the session.

Evening workout: Cons

  • Intense exercise close to bedtime can increase your adrenaline level, which is a stress hormone. So, you may struggle to fall asleep.
  • Evening workouts may clash with your family commitments or social events. So, it’s easy to miss the gym.
  • You may have low energy levels, which can affect your motivation and the quality of your workout.

Deciding what’s best for you: Morning vs evening workout

Ultimately, exercise in the morning vs the evening comes down to your daily routine, personal preferences, and how your body responds to a workout in the am or pm.

Consider the following things when deciding:

  • Assess your schedule to determine which part of the day allows for the most flexibility and consistency for your fitness routine.
  • Try out different exercise times.
  • Assess your fitness goals and decide which part of the day is more suitable to help achieve them.
  • Your reaction to cold and warm environments may affect your productivity during your workout. Plan accordingly.


The best time to exercise is the time that easily fits into your schedule. Also, consistency is more important than the time. Any time of day is better than no workout in order to be healthy and reduce the risk of diseases.